There are somethings that are common to everyone. Such things do not necessarily have to be destructive, but we sometimes cannot just help it, because it is a part of the human nature which tends to be evil if it they are not managed properly.
Families, businesses, communities, religious institutions, and Nations have been destroyed or built by one of the things that i call “common to all”.
The effect of this thing is sometimes so destructive that it’s victim(s) hardly get healed from its venom, yet it is can be so constructive it produces healing for a person or people. This thing is called ANGER. A destroyer of good things, people, places and destinies, yet a builder and repairer if used appropriately.
In anger, words are spoken even when they are not meant exactly the way they are said. Decisions are made without clear direction or consideration and this often creates problems with our friends, family members, spouse and peers.
Anger breeds enmity , disrespect, selfishness and disunity and sometimes murder. Unfortunately, we all have at one point or the other given this menace a chance. But that is not all to anger, considering that it is an emotion that can be channeled into getting done what is actually needful.
It is important to understand that this is one of the feelings connected to the human nature, but there is a need to learn how to control it and avoid its destructive effect. There is also a need to use this emotion to get the right things done.
Jesus used His anger to make His father’s house a place of worship that it is meant to be, Apostle Paul used his anger to get many out of the manipulation of the bad guy – satan.
Samson used his anger to destroy the enemies of God more than he had ever done prior to this time.
These examples point at how anger was about a need for a positive change. Paul for example was prior to his conversion a destroyer of God’s people, but the moment he saw the light of salvation, he became so angry with the one who had deceived him all the while into thinking it was right to destroy followers of the Living God and this made him a blunt and unstoppable preacher of the gospel of Christ.
Cain, Moses, Saul, and Naaman were people who did not channel their anger into something productive. In the case of some of them, anger began their journey to self destruction, while in the case of Naaman, anger almost cost him his most desired miracle in life – Healing from leprosy.
Let us use this God given emotion to shape our world and make life better for ourselves and people around us.
Bible Verses
Matthew 21: 12 , Genesis 4: 5-6 , 2 Kings 5: 11, 1Samuel 18: 8, Acts 16, James 1:20, Proverbs 15:1.
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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