Dear God, my confidence is in knowing that darkness can never overcome light. From the very beginning darkness has always tried to put light away but such efforts have always been futile because You always make a way out for light to dispel darkness physically and spiritually. When Adam and Eve sinned, darkness thought it had won. You, however, made a public display of the defeat of darkness when You gave man the choice to choose Light by receiving Your gift of redemption to the World- Jesus. The One who is the Light Himself, the Seed of the woman( conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin) got the victory over the deceiver, thief, murderer and destroyer -The Devil. Because Jesus lives in me, I am not just the light, I shine everywhere I go and darkness cannot overcome me, no matter how hard it tries. The seed of the Devil has no way above my heels and that is where I crush his head. Light reveals, dispels, strengthens and preserves. Oh, how I love the Light and hate darkness! AMEN.
JOHN 1:5, GENESIS 3:1-15, COLOSSIANS 2:15, JOHN 8:12, MATTHEW 5:14- 16, JOHN 10:10, EPHESIANS 5:8
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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