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Daily Declaration- Overflowing Blessings

Dear God, there are some blessings that overwhelms a man so much he will never be able to recover from it. This kind of blessings are generational in nature and capable of blowing the mind of the recipient away. Concerning Abraham, You swore by Yourself, since there is nothing greater than You. Total obedience is capable of producing undeserved and unexpected blessings. In doing what You tell me to do is my calling You Lord meaningful. Teach me to be attentive to all Your instructions and to give up anything for You, no matter how hard it seems or how much value I place on whatever it is You ask of me. I will not give You that which will not cost me anything because I desire blessings so great generations after me will enjoy such and glorify You through me. In this new season, take me out of my comfort zone and teach my heart to boldly take new territories for You. AMEN.

GENESIS 22:16-18, LUKE 6:46, SAMUEL 24:24, JOSHUA 1:3-7 



Author Profile

Temitope Akinrotimi
Temitope Akinrotimi
Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast

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