When a person makes a promise, it is usually based on his or her ability. Sometimes however, failure is unavoidable by the one who makes a promise.
There are quite a number of things i remember from when i was growing up, one of which is my late Dad encouraging me to get better grades in Mathematics, because he was going to buy me a car to celebrate my 18th birthday, if i did better in the subject that made me cringe in fear.
I was well over the age of 18 when my dad passed away, and the least of the things on his mind was to buy me a car, considering that i had older siblings who were yet to get a car gift as at the time he passed away.
When a person becomes unable to do as he or she has promised, due to reasons beyond his or her control, it is simply because such a person’s ability is limited. God on the other hand is unlimited in all His ways and ability, so much that He cannot fail.
God is never unable to do whatever He has says He will do. His ability and capacity is so great He cannot be affected by the increase in market price or value, traffic or accident, weather condition, unavailability or loss of a job, lack of expertise, an ailment, or anything that is capable of making man unable to meet up with His promise(s).
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of thesoulmeal.com, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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