MISS: “I am of no value to anyone, not even to myself. I did not just fail everyone that cares about me, I failed myself. The guilt of my past is so strong in my heart, I just wish life would cease to be. No one will ever trust me again, so what is the point in trying to be a better person?”
LISTENER: Wow! I wish you had been more careful in the past, it is a good thing you realize how much pain you have caused others. The sad news is- this is just the beginning of the consequences of your past actions and decisions. I hope you get it right if you ever get the chance to come to the world again, because there is no hope for you, considering that the wages of sin is death. I will try and put you in mind, so I can pray for you.
Broken and discouraged, MISS walked away crying harder and thinking about how true the words of the Listener she just spoke with were. The truth is MISS could not agree less with the Listener, considering all that had happened in the past years of MISS’ life. The truth is that it is indeed such a horrific past, full of shameful decisions, deception, immorality, abuse, and bloodshed.
Lost and shattered, she walked down the road, having no understanding of what direction to go in, yet she kept walking and talking to herself as she went -“It is all over, I hope everyone forgives me when they realize how sorry I am after I am gone. It is better to die than to go through this great humiliation……..” MISS said.
“Pay attention to where you are going, woman!” Allan yelled as he slammed on the brake. Then he pulled over when he realised that MISS was not moved by his words of caution, despite his yelling and the sound of the car brake.
Allan caught up with MISS and they started a conversation that was soon to reveal how messed up, tattered and battered MISS was. With her eyes swollen and her nose running, she responded with silence as He tried having a conversation with her.
“I have also felt this way before, everyone around me did not give me a chance to show them how sorry I was about the wrong choices I made and how much I was willing to be a better person. It hurt so bad, I lost the will to live.” Allan said
MISS lifted her eyes up, looked at him and could not help but cry aloud, this time she cried louder than she did while walking alone. “How did You know my thought? Who told you all about me? Who are You? Why don’t you just leave me alone?”
“No one told me anything about you, but I have a witness in my heart that reveals things to me, and He is never wrong about the details He gives me. The Holy Spirit has told me everything you intend to do as you walk down this dusty road.” Allan said. Will ending your life change what has happened? Will it make people understand how sorry you are for the pains and hurt you caused them? Will it give you the chance to prove to yourself that you are of great value to God, your Family, Friends and the Community at large?
MISS could not help but cry as Allan held her hand and took her to his car, revealing the thoughts that were locked up on her inside. The Holy Spirit must be a really good mind reader, she concluded within herself.
Allan drove down the road, smiling as he said to MISS what the Bible says about God’s forgiveness.
PSALM 103:10-12
“He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.”
This is what God says about His desire to overlook your faults and start anew with you if you are willing to accept His free gift of salvation. It is about His grace made available to You and your willingness to embrace this grace. Allan said
MISS: Despite everything I did? I do not deserve it. This is not possible, I just want to pay for my sins, and who can tell, maybe I will be forgiven.
You are right, absolutely right, but the truth is no one is deserving of salvation. We are unqualified, but He qualifies us. It is a gift from God to man and all man has to do is to receive it with faith. God’s promises to save us are found throughout His unfailing Word and if you don’t mind, I can show you some of them.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
Also (JOHN 1:12, HEBREWS 4:16, Acts 2:38-39)
All I want is to be forgiven. What can I do? Help me! MISS said as she wept profusely.
Allan: Awesome! As I said earlier, all you have to do is to believe everything from God’s Word and not dwell on your limitation, or what anyone thinks about you. Believe in Jesus’ death for a wretch like you and me and that settles it.
That was the beginning of Miss’ journey to hope, strength, and joy unspeakable.
You are not what has happened to you or what you have been through. You are simply who God says you are- Forgiven, Redeemed, New, Deserving, Free, Delivered, and His own. Embrace this truth today and live by it, because it is all you need to overcome the factual but unbiblical words of Listener 1.
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of thesoulmeal.com, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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Amazing! Thanks to God who has not delt with us according to the measure of our sins but instead He redeemed us with the blood of His dear son – JESUS CHRIST. Halleluyah.