You Are Not What Has Happened To You……
A long time ago, a beautiful, attractive, and innocent girl found herself in an heartbreaking, shameful and unpleasant situation that would later make her life a story and lesson for many generations yet to be born.
She was a Princess raised in the four walls of a Palace known for class, beauty and luxury, yet right inside her own father’s magnificent Palace, she was stripped off her dignity and pride.
The most painful part of her horrific experience is in the fact that she trusted him so much. She never expected such a thing from him, considering that he was such a sweet, adorable and well behaved big brother. How wrong she was !
Unknown to her, he had just received the wrong counsel from his friend, so he was not the same lovely boy that lived in the Palace of the great King of the land of Israel. At the time he carefully planned to make her a prey, he had lost his mind and cared less about the consequences of his actions. He was a danger to be avoided like a plague, yet she fell into his trap.
All she did on this fateful day was to show love and care to her Father’s son- her half brother, who had claimed to be ill and needed the help of his sister. Did she do wrong to care for her own brother? Maybe she would have being careful if he were to be someone else, she probably would have cared less about him if he was not her blood brother, but the truth is- He is her father’s son, which gave her no reason to doubt his motive at such a crucial time.
Tamar was wrong, she was deceived and led into a master minded trap of sexual assault by her own brother. Broken and ashamed, she walked away as she heard him curse her and add more hurt to her already broken heart. She was lost and confused , yet it seemed like a dream she needed to wake up from….Only that it was not a dream, it was real! 2 SAMUEL 13Read More »You Are Not What Has Happened To You……