Life is too short for anyone to waste the precious time God has given to us.
You cannot afford to waste the time allocated to you here on earth. This is the reason goal setting, time management and resource management is a must for anyone who will fulfill purpose.
Sometimes, i wish i can change somethings in the past about myself , family or friends. The sad truth is i cannot, it is in the past, but i can make the best of the present that i am certain of, as i trust God for the future that is in His hands.
You are not going to be here forever. The question however is what do you want to do to make a difference and ensure that you leave behind the best memories that will live with those you love and came across in the journey of life.
Decide today to love your family and influence as many as you can for the glory of God to be made manifest.
Do all this with the understanding that life is short and has to be lived to the fullest.
Life is a journey that ends sooner or later. Make the best of this journey while it lasts.
Bible Reading
Ephesians 4:2, Psalm 39:1-13, 1 Samuel 20: 3, Job 7: 6-7
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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Really, this is a great snippet. God has the whole time, but what we don’t have is time. This is our deficiency. We are created in time to fulfil purpose. Thanks. God Bless you ma.
Well said!