It is amazing how God can use a little child to encourage, strengthen or continue His good work in an adult.
In the state where I reside presently, the teachers decided to go on a peaceful yet demanding strike that will benefit them and other teachers several years from now.
As much as I really do not like the fact that the children in this state have to stay at home during this period, I sure love what some people are making out of this unpleasant and unavoidable, yet worthwhile situation.
I met a group that decided to use the strike period to go out and reach little children with the gospel of Christ, using different drama skits to pass the message of salvation across to God’s little treasures.
To say that I was scared to be a part of the whole thing is an understatement, considering there is a need to speak English in a way these little ones will understand. My plain English, deeply rooted in a Nigerian accent won’t fly obviously, so I decided to start learning some specific words that will be needed for my role in the skits.
It is not a funny thing at all, yet it is what it is. As I thought about being sure the kids understand what I say clearly whenever it is my turn to act my part in the skit, God decided to give me a reason to relax and just do the needful…..”Pass the message of salvation across, not minding the difference between the way I speak and the way the kids speak English.”
As I dwelt on my inability to speak as I want to, a little girl of about 6years old walked up to me after one of the numerous presentations and said ….” Miss Temi, I love your accent, It’s so beautiful.”
I was so amazed I could not say anything for sometime, and when I finally realized it was God’s way of saying to me “Just pass the message of salvation to these little ones the way you can “, I looked at her and said thank you!
There is a need to be careful of how we respond to our expectations and that of others, so that it does not water down our zeal for God and His purpose for our lives. It is also important to make sure we are cautious in our response to the innovations or inventions of others, so that we do not abort God- given ideas.
Your accent, whatever look like limitations, inadequate resources are not enough to stop you if you decide not to stop yourself from activating God’s purpose for you and others. Do not give in to demeaning remarks from yourself or others.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Believe in God , Believe in yourself also. All things include anything and everything. There is absolutely nothing you cannot do as long as you have God on your side.
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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