The deception man has fallen victim of is not enough to decrease God’s ability or limit His capacity.
A lot of things make us belittle God and this includes sicknesses, diseases, disappointment, failure, delay, and all manner of challenges life brings our way.
God is not just great, He is actually greater than the universe, and everything that exists in it, which are actually all the work of His hands.
Contrary to what the devil makes us believe, there is nothing that is beyond God. It is as simple as the doctors admitting the severity of a medical situation and admitting there is nothing they can do about it, but the one who is bigger than the doctors or the sickness steps into the situation and makes healing possible.
There are several stories in the Bible that point at God’s hand of greatness, but there are also life experiences in our present age and time that declare God’s greatness.
Maybe we should talk about a woman whom the doctors had told not to bother about having a child.
She had previously gotten her womb removed while going through a medical procedure and naturally speaking, it was an hopeless situation, but God stepped in because she trusted Him as the One who can do all things.
Indeed the One who is greater than everyone and everything did not just give her a child, but brought forth triplets from the same body that was pronounced wombless.
Do not fall for the lies of the devil. Stand firm, believe and boldly declare that our God is greater than all the unpleasant situations all around you.
He is a great God doing great things. Hallelujah !
Psalm 147:5, Luke 12:17
Author Profile
- Temitope is the founder of, an online platform that she shares with her God-given spiritual family and friends. She is a speaker, teacher and youth counselor. She is passionate about inspiring people to find their identity in Christ. Catch her interviewing inspiring leaders on Tongue of the Learned Podcast
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